So much so that various other groups have copied the design for their own use.
The Death Seed is considered to be a successful starfighter for a composite craft.
The Twi'lek’s decided not to incorporate any concussion missile or proton torpedo launchers into the design, as those weapons can be very difficult to acquire. The S-foils give the Death Seed all the laser power of an X-wing, giving it more firepower than a TIE/ln. The resulting craft has a bit better maneuverability than the standard TIE, but is a little slower. The Death Seed uses the twin ion engines of the TIE for propulsion, and relies on the X-wing engines to power the lasers, hyperdrive, and shields. The S-foils of the X-wing fighter are attached to a gyroscopic mount which are then mounted onto the main pod of a TIE Fighter, similar to the design of the B-wing Starfighter. Unlike typical 'Uglies', which are haphazardly cobbled together from whatever parts are available, the Chir'daki is built according to a specific design and apparently has no more variation from one fighter to the next than a factory-built craft.
The fighter is actually an 'Ugly' design, having been assembled from parts of both the TIE Fighter and the X-wing. Vintage 1982 Kenner Star Wars Return of The Jedi Tri Pod Laser Cannon 93450. The Chir'daki, known in Basic as Death Seed, is a unique type of starfighter developed and used near-exclusively by the Twi'lek species. Hasbro E1648 Star Wars Imperial Death Trooper Vintage Collection 3.75 inch Action Figure.